Gpsphone gameshark

Gpsphone gameshark
[TuT] Use Gameshark Codes on gpSPhone! |.
How to use GameShark On your GPSPhone!.

OK!! if my voice sounds odd, it because i was sick and i had a bad mic! You need a Wi-Fi connection! OpenSSH is on cydia. Your iPod touch does not have to
BULBASAUR [Patch Slot 1 & 2] 25214170 0AB256A2 95CCF842 A51B89F8 2E7B7A58 D0781742 D52902CA 343CF38A IVYSAUR [Patch Slot 1 & 2] 25214170 0AB256A2 45137A53
14.05.2009 · Best Answer: Ok. Im gonna take you through this step by step. Ensure your iTouch is jailbroken and you have got your GBA Roms installed with GPSPhone. If
01.10.2011 · Best Answer: Which version of Pokemon is this? The only thing that I can think of that could be wrong is that you're using the wrong codes. If you're using
What's up guys! Here's a quick tutorial on installing Gameshark or Action Replay codes to your Pokémon game. If you haven't installed gpSPhone, visit my
How to Use Gpsphone
Gpsphone gameshark
Pokemon emerald gameshark codes for.Gpsphone iPhone 5 Help with enabling cheats in gpSPhone |.
Adding gameshark codes to GPSphone?.
Adding gameshark codes to GPSphone?..